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Brought to life by creator Brian “Proffess” Carlos Luis. Buumba Ta Juba: Sorrow ta Fearless is a graphic novel unlike many you’ve seen. Its driving focus is its heart. There is much emotion here, written with much thought and care by Proffess and illustrated beautifully by Luis. It can be described as having an almost Animaniacs look, making it instantly accessible and appreciated by many fans. Proffess effortlessly brings a good deal of emotions to the forefront, bringing a respectful amount of humor to a story about pain and laughter. Buumba Ta Juba is a novel with fantasy and realism about their roadblocks.

It's a story about a kid named Ji, born in Denver, Colorado, where life seems terrific. Except his parents paid little attention to him. They consume themselves in technology and social media, pushing Ji aside for their timeline. Hatred towards technology brews in Ji, leading to his desire to control it to destroy it. But there’s one problem, he doesn’t know how technology works. An accident occurs to Ji at a tech conference gifting him an ability that may help his cause or further his detestation. On his quest to obliterate cybernetics, Ji crosses paths with characters that intertwine with his life for the better or worse.

This novel will be a two-part graphic novel series leading to comic book issues. Buumba Ta Juba has a lot of endearing qualities that position it as a story that can help readers cope with some feelings of their own. Proffess brings the fun and the funny, ensuring that anyone can pick up and enjoy this graphic novel. It’s a project that has been percolating for some time, and these creators have been hard at work bringing it to life with the love and respect it deserves. Check out Buumba Ta Juba: Sorrow Ta Fearless and get on the mailing list before its release

